Blog / Beyond Despair Therapist speak on Perseverance

Beyond Despair Therapist speak on Perseverance

10.06.2024 | Radha Kesavaram

Looks like this time darkness is here to stay…
Days and months have passed and yet seems like you are stuck in the same rut
Fleeting moments of clarity, a semblance of clearing
And the dark clouds are back again…
This describes the state that many of us, who go through long periods of hopelessness and despair, have to contend with. for days on end
In this article, I hope to share insights that can help those of us struggling to stay afloat when the path feels overwhelmingly gloomy to cross
Insights, that have time and again, during the course of my therapeutic practice, proven to provide a sense of direction, towards a way out of the rut, for a healthy and fulfilling life that we bear potential for
Let’s get started…
The Gloom Trap
When everything that’s happening around you seems like a threat, adding to the past that constantly casts its dreadful shadows on the way you feel and what you do, things can get pretty overwhelming. To say the least.
Feelings that often come up in the wake of such experiences can come on with such a force that it can feel like its hard to go on. And the vicious loop of never-ending thoughts that keeps the rut in place
Here are pointers that can help:

Recognizing when things are getting beyond your scope of management
Recognizing when the inner turmoil no longer permits you to shake off the stagnation
Knowing that resources offering help and support are available and handy
Knowing its possible to get to the level of functioning that you desire, as you continue to receive the help and support that you need

Facing the Impossible
For many of us, the nature of traumatic experiences that we go through are such that, they may make us feel it’s impossible to even think there could be a way out!
Truth be told, the more you get to know other earthlings inhabiting the planet, who go through this experience of what we call being human, more you realize you are not alone in this journey!
Whether what you are faced with is a dreadful past, a present ridden with challenges, or a future that makes you feel incredibly anxious, the following pointers can be helpful:

Regardless of the nature and severity of the issues that are troubling you, rest assured that they can be adequately addressed with the right kind of help and support
The very thing that we fear facing the most often holds the key to liberation, growth, and a beautiful future
Recognizing that every small step forward matters, taking you towards destinations that you perhaps crave for, but fear aspiring for

The Balancing Act that Works
It is important to address concerns. But, for life to offer scope for thriving and not just surviving, it is important to look at goals that you can, going forward, set for yourselves, towards building a future of your choice and design. A future that incorporates all the elements you recognize as contributing to life fulfilment and satisfaction
Here are pointers for you to reflect on:

Setting goals that you would like to choose to commit to, during the course of your life’s journey
Changes you have perhaps always wanted to introduce, as pat of your daily life, that can help set the foundation for thriving
As you work towards your goals, can you celebrate the journey as well?
Can the trials faced in the past and the challenges you are taking on in the present inspire you to have a more compassionate stance towards yourself?

As you start your journey towards unpacking the burdens weighing down on you, within and outside, you may find yourself, at times or often, even with the best of intentions, feeling bogged down by the impact the journey has had on you. Feeling as if old patterns are repeating, raising panic if they might stay on forever!
Causing you to wonder whether these detours from the intended track are any indication of prospects of success in the future
Here a few guidelines that can help:

Addressing and processing trauma deserve the time and space that it warrants
Detours are a natural part of this process as traumatic memories and unhealthy patterns may need to be addressed as and when they come up to your awareness
New patterns of thinking and behavior that are more suited for your new, evolving self may start inviting your attention

Let me conclude with this…
It always seems impossible at the beginning
When emotions are in full rise
Thoughts relentless
And nothing seeming to work in your favor
Braveheart, I want you to know this
As you take a step out of the darkness
Seeking the safe sanctuary of trusted ones
With help and support you’ll soon realize that
What seemed impossible can be managed after all!
And new possibilities begin to evolve
Hinting at a future that awaits you!
You got this.
Cheers, mate!
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