Blog / Soulful Scribbles: Journal prompts - Being by yourself

Soulful Scribbles: Journal prompts - Being by yourself

09.05.2024 | iDare

Let’s exist together, you and you
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose our inner thoughts and feelings. In the midst of the noise, the act of journaling emerges as an inspiration of self-awareness and introspection, providing a sanctuary to express our thoughts and acknowledge our feelings. Journal prompts in particular act as gentle guides on this introspective journey, encouraging us to explore the depths of our psyche, confront our desires, and work with our complex emotions.
Every Sunday iDare will help you delve into the transformative power of Journaling, unpacking the art of self-reflection through the written word. Join us on this journey of self-discovery as we dive into the mind through the simple yet profound act of journaling.
This week is all about Being by yourself

How are you when you find yourself on your own for a while?
Do you want to engage in something or prefer to relax?
How do you create safety within you to unwind and calm yourself as self-care?
Could you do a small activity of humming to yourself or even closing your eyes and stressing on “mmmm” for 2 minutes?
Let’s look forward to you spending time with yourself, because you matter for you.

As you continue your journaling journey, let these prompts be your guide. Embrace the blank pages as opportunities to explore, understand, and celebrate your own existence.
Remember, it's not just about what you write; it's about the journey you undertake with each stroke of the pen. So, here's to the continued exploration, the unabashed self-expression, and the unwritten chapters waiting to be discovered. Your journal awaits, ready to be filled with the echoes of your thoughts and the whispers of your heart.
Happy journaling!
If you or somebody you know wants to learn more about journaling or the benefits of journaling, consider reaching our ‘Support’ and ‘Engage’ verticals for affordable and inclusive help! 
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