Blog / Navigating Workplace Dynamics Therapist Speak on Leadership and Transition Challenges

Navigating Workplace Dynamics Therapist Speak on Leadership and Transition Challenges

18.09.2024 | Radha Kesavaram

A recent conversation with a Client circled around challenges we earthlings face at our workplaces in recent times 
Constant demands on our time, energy, resources we hold within 
Their never-ending, uncertain nature making us wonder Am I in the right place? Am I good enough?  
Managing Expectations. From colleagues & those we report to  
The often-lonely path of leadership. And promotions – a blessing or a crown of thorns?! 
This article invites your attention to insights and interventions that I have witnessed as a Therapist, coming in handy, while navigating these curveballs at work! 
Embracing Change 
The promotion, the role transition, suddenly placing demands you never could have prepared yourself for ☹ Is there a way out? Let’s look at what can help: 

Recognize that change is new and hard to embrace in the beginning coz what’s old and familiar feels safe; giving yourself time and space for the new dynamic to become familiar, knowing that it will! 

Growth can be often disguised as change. This can look like extending yourself beyond what your comfort zone tempts you to believe what the limits of your abilities are! 

Addressing thoughts of helplessness with choices of resources within your reach that can help you upskill and learn. You got this! 

What truly matters: Taking a Restock 
The restlessness stemming from work giving you sleepless nights. Is it burnout? Is it feelings of inadequacy? Or is it the fear if I truly belong here?! It’s perhaps time to revisit what brought you here in the first place! 

How does my current job & my current job role help me in my journey towards career progress? Contributions that I can start taking notice of 

Are there gaps I can identify that stand in the way of me feeling fairly grounded in my current position at work? (understanding key responsibilities, making necessary changes to my daily schedule, addressing fears with colleagues I can trust) 

Factoring in time for rest, rejuvenation, recreation; connecting with colleagues 

Leadership – does it have to be a lonely trail? 
As they say, it does tend to get lonelier at the top… Support systems, people who could relate to your struggles earlier seem to vanish, as you scale new heights. Making you fear if feeling alone in this journey is going to be the status quo. Here are a few insights to consider: 

As you evolve, including as a professional, your needs for support and inspiration evolve too! Recognizing this can help you access a new set of resources that can fulfill your needs; role models, mentors, resources in the literary & digital world 

Recognizing that growth in alignment with your inherent potential is inevitable; paying it forward, offering guidance, and sharing your knowledge with those who can benefit can also be what this path can look like for you, going forward! 

Meeting the Criteria for Success 
Demands that suddenly spring up at work. New responsibilities piling up as part of the promotion. Deadlines of multiple projects lining up menacingly! Is there a chance I can actually succeed? Am I even cut out for this?! Let’s look at what can help: 

Recognizing that knowledge gaps and learning are an inherent part of any one’s career path. This is neither a reflection of your ability to perform well nor your prospects of success! 

Being mindful enough to notice – is perfect standing in the way of being good enough? 

Let me conclude with this… 
Opportunities and Growth often come disguised as Change and Challenge! 
And it may seem as if you’re not on top of your game 
Trusting the process helps 
And trusting yourself too! 
That you will learn to adapt in no time and even thrive too! 
Just like you’ve done countless times before 
And you’re not alone. 
If you or somebody you know is going through challenges at work and needs help, consider reaching our ‘Support’ and ‘Engage’ verticals for affordable and inclusive help!      
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