Blog / A Slogan for Solidarity

A Slogan for Solidarity

05.08.2024 | Namrata Mishra

This is not just a story but a call to action. Let solidarity be our guiding light, empowering us to reshape the world and unlock the full potential of every individual, regardless of gender. 
Once upon a time, a powerful slogan existed: "What men can do, women can also do!" This rallying cry echoed through the streets, uttered by Chinese women during the cultural revolution. It was their battle cry against a patriarchal society that sought to suppress their potential. They yearned to prove that they were just as capable as men. 
But this slogan wasn't merely words on a placard. It represented something deeper—a call to embark on a journey of self-improvement. The Chinese women realized that to make this slogan a reality, they needed to embrace four core values:  





These values became their guiding principles, shaping their path towards empowerment. The All China Women's Federation recognized these values' vital role in empowering Chinese women. They understood that to challenge the patriarchal stronghold, women needed to equip themselves with the skills and knowledge to thrive in male-dominated spheres like economics and politics. Together, they formed a sisterhood, supporting one another and pushing boundaries. 
However, their path was not without obstacles. The influential Chinese government stood as a formidable force, resistant to change. The demands of the women went unheard, leaving them yearning for solidarity and support from the very authority they sought to challenge yet work with. 
But this story is not just about the women's movement in China; it echoes throughout our everyday lives. Women continue to break barriers and prove their worth in every corner of the world. No inherent limitation can hold them back from achieving what men can. Yet, they often work twice as hard, shouldering burdens that go unnoticed. 
When women have to work tirelessly, exhaustion seeps in, casting a shadow over their professional and personal lives. It becomes a struggle to maintain efficiency and productivity. And when we factor in the complex web of social differences and identities, the question of who can work harder becomes all the more significant. 
Those lacking resources and privileges exert more effort to reach the same goals. A child who grew up in an environment tainted by abuse and neglect faces a far rockier path to success than one blessed with a happy and healthy childhood. 

In this intricate tapestry of society, it is crucial to recognize our identities. By understanding our place in the world, we gain insight into the privileges and disadvantages we carry.  

Armed with this knowledge, we can choose our battles wisely and forge alliances with those who share our struggles. 

Solidarity becomes our strength, the driving force behind our collective fight. As we unite and support one another, we discover coping mechanisms and build a robust support system.  

The battles we face extend beyond our individual abilities, but together, we can confront the larger problems that plague us. 

It takes a culture of empathy and kindness to combat the prevailing culture of abuse. We must unlearn the habit of shouldering too much and embrace the habit of taking only what we need, leaving the rest for others to carry forward. This was the path women took in the past, and it is the path that our current times demand. 
To the men reading this story, know you can ally with the feminist movement. We understand that you, too, face concerns within the same patriarchal system. We are here to support you. Share your worries with our trained listeners through our app's 'Support' vertical, or seek expert guidance on healthy coping mechanisms via the 'Engage' vertical. 
*Please note that this narration of the women's movement in China serves solely to emphasize the importance of solidarity and support in our everyday lives. It offers a simplified account that may have overlooked complex historical details. 
If you or somebody you know is going through something difficult and needs to get in touch with a therapist, consider reaching our ‘Support’ and ‘Engage’ verticals for affordable and inclusive help!    
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This post represents author’s personal views and experiences. iDare doesn't endorse or take responsibility for the opinions expressed.   

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